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Tom Birtwistle@ 13:37 02-07-2012




I have to agree with Alex in so much that P.S. clubs will want assurances from the FCL with regards to childrens welfare and CRB checks.
I would think if the FCL amended its rules to include safe guarding of children it would make the FCL a more attractive proposition to PS clubs....
The other issue over facilities... Again as the FCL does not have a "minimum standard" with regards facilities this will put PS clubs off from joining the league, even if the facilities are as good as the lower PS divisions.

PS well done Fleetwood 4ths yesterday.
Bamf@ 16:24 01-07-2012


FCL Committee


Twenty20 Finals at St Annes CC.
Action shots live from T20 Finals Day http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.341892012553504.77800.231360646939975&type=1
Bamf@ 18:55 30-06-2012


FCL Committee


Radio spot
Here is FCL stalwart Tim Rawston's spot on BBC Radio Lancashire today, 2 hours, 21 minutes 30 seconds into the show: http://www.bbc.co.uk/radio/player/p00tq8j2
Gray@ 10:18 29-06-2012


Not sure I agree with you there Alex.
Only Stanley Park wouldn`t meet PS criteria. The Nautical College and mossom lane are already used in the PS and Cottam Hall would only need some of those temporary sight-screen thingys that your 3rd and 4ths use at mossom.
On your othyer points,the two Westmoreland League clubs you mention were both approached a couple of years ago. Galgate mooted the possibility of a friendly against ourselves,Anchorsholme, and Shireshead replied but said they couldn`t do it at the moment,but it is maybe something they would consider in the future.
I think bothe clubs were members of the old Lancaster League which folded in the mid `70s and it does seem a little bizarre that they`re now both in the Westmoreland League rather than the PS...especially Shireshead who have 4 teams.Two play at their main ground near Forton and the lower teams play I think at Lancaster Grammar school!
It`s strange to me though that a really well established club like that doesn`t seem to want to flex it`s muscles in a higher standard like the PS when they have so many teams and loads of junior players!
Going back to a couple of my original points though. It is disappointing that PS clubs just continue to enter any new teams they set up into what in my mind is an overly large and bloated Palace Shield competition. Two recent cases in point being BAC Preston and Great Ecc.,both who have been approached by ourselves on a couple of occasions in recent times.
Yes the Fylde League is the bottom of the pile regarding standards,but it also provides a good starting point for youngsters and a nice sort of 'elephants graveyard' for lads who can no longer compete at a higher level,or for players who can`t give the level of commitment that is often required in the Shield or Northern League.
Having said that,the standard imho is probably on an equivalent with anything in PS6 and a lot of PS5. Ingol 1st`s are testament to that,as were Fleetwood 4th`s before them(before they morphed into Fleetwood 3rds!)and St.Joseph`s a few years earlier.
Longridge bit the bullet a couple of years back and joined us,without it appearing to do them any harm,so we just need a few more PS clubs to do the same.
Maybe if a few of our teams offered friendly`s against PS opposition under FCL rules, this would be a way forward and they would then be able to judge for themselves?
I will leave you to put the word around Alex with your PS buddies...ha,ha.
Alex@ 22:48 28-06-2012
I completley agree that the league needs new teams to survive, however the lack of facilities at most ground won't appeal to sides wanting to put juniors in. The pitches in the shield are usually better (safer) and Sightscreens should be a must for saftey of juniors.
Also, With clubs having to adhere to child welfare rules, getting changed / dropping pants to put thigh pads on etc in public prob won't appeal to parents who moddle coddle their kids, and clubs won't risk losing clubmark etc through welfare issues as they need that for grants etc.

Have you approached any of the southern westmoreland league clubs eg shireshead or galgate?
Gray@ 19:06 28-06-2012




The Fylde League has a lot of good things going for it. Not too much red tape,cheap to join,no regulations like sight screens,changing facilities etc(although they are a bonus!)and a friendly,matey atmosphere between the different clubs. We also have a good supply of umpires now,something that we haven`t always had in recent years. However the ONE thing we need more than anything is new teams or clubs to join the League. As your are all aware we are down to 8 teams this season,the lowest level that I think the League as ever been at since it`s inception in the 1920`s.
What I am asking you all is just how can we remedy this situation?
We have tried various things over the last 3 years or so,but with virtually no success at all for our efforts. In the past around 15 local(ish) Palace Shield clubs have been contacted and although some have replied it has never been a positive reply. Completely new teams are always welcome of course and we have been very successful in the last few seasons in that regard when Ingol and Bispham have formed teams and joined the League. This however is very unusual and unlikely to happen very often..if at all,ever again.
So our best chance of surviving as an independent League is by trying to persuade/cajole established clubs from other Leagues to enter one of their lower teams into the FCL.
In the past this was something that always happened and clubs like Blackpool,South Shore,Fylde,Thornton etc always had at least one team if not two in the FCL. Since the 1990`s these clubs have gradually withdrawn their lower teams and entered them into a bloated and ever expanding Palace Shield. Our task is to try to get them to re-enter a team,along with other Fylde base clubs like Kirkham&Wesham,Wrea Green,Great Ecc.,Garstang and the Preston based PS clubs.
It is though very frustrating when some of those clubs are forming new teams,often with giving juniors a game in mind,but then entering them into the Shield!
Now I don`t want this to become a 'them and us' thing and the PS is an excellent competition in it`s own right,but the FCL does offer something slightly different and I think with us having the draw as an option gives a chance for young cricketers in particular to also develop the defensive side of their game without having the pressure of having to try and score at say 6 an over to try and win the game and get a decent amount of points. Playing defensively in cricket is just as important imo as attacking cricket. Of course there will be those who point to my own club nere(Anchorsholme)and say that we have always played 'boring' cricket and always played for the draw.This would be true of course,but that was down to the make-up of the team(we`re all ancient!)rather than actually really wanting to play that way! This season though we now finally seem to have turned the corner in that respect!
Does anyone have thoughts on what I`ve posted above,or any ideas for attracting new teams and clubs? If so it would be most appreciated.
Cheers, Gray...
Peter Lewis@ 00:45 28-06-2012




Ridge v Anchors
Gray/Bamf, Thanks for sorting the report, yes Oliver does have an old head for a 13 (nearly 14) yr old, and strong jaw muscles with it! Followed it up with 39 + 2 wkt against BAe tonight in Palace shield, so hopefully he's back in form. Cheers.
Gray@ 12:03 27-06-2012




Longridge v Anchors report...
Bamf has now added my revised report Peter.
Gray@ 09:29 27-06-2012




Oliver Lewis
Peter...yeh I realised what I had done when I read your posts further down this page! Unfortunately I can`t edit it, only Bamf can do that I think. I emailed my match report to him and it had a few poor spelling errors and I missed half a sentence out on one section! I text Bamf about it asking him to change it,but as yet it hasn`t been changed. I will try to re-submit my original match report along with a few alterations and perhaps Bamf could then delete my earlier one in place of the new one?
Oliver batted really,really well,with a hell of a lot of maturity. An old head on young shoulders and definitely one for the future. It would be a shame if his superb effort wasn`t recognised....
Peter Lewis@ 23:59 26-06-2012




anchors report
Message for Graeme Walters. Excellent write up, just need to change Smith to Oliver Lewis for accuracy! Having not had best of seasons so far with bat, his decent knock deserves recognition. Thanks.
Gary Spencer@ 00:05 26-06-2012




Finals Day
Best of luck to everybody involved in the T20 Finals Day, I'm sure it will be a great event! Looking forward to it immensely!
Peter Lewis@ 22:45 25-06-2012




score card, anchorshome v longridge 24 june
Thanks James, I'll get Chris Smith to sort it, hopefully.
Gray@ 22:42 25-06-2012




Finals Day...
Big boo to Fleetwood for screwing up. I love my bike ride off road and along the Prom to Cod land and was looking forward to it immensely!
A few beers and the REAL sport begins. Pickles and Houghton baiting and that of their rabble is one of life`s last few true pleasures but just isn`t quite the same at the more gentile surroundings of St.Annes CC.Although the beer and clientele are of a higher quality.
Some of you just don`t get Finals Day do you???
The whole idea lads is NOT to qualify ,so you can go along and actually enjoy the day. At Anchorsholme we have perfected this technique over many,many years...
James Bamford@ 17:36 25-06-2012


Wyre & FCL Committee


Scorecards - Quite right Peter. All clubs have been given a written warning about scorecards and fines will be dished out soon. Both books are meant to be checked after each innings and the game. The away team enters it then the home team checks it online, so it should get corrected by your Rep. If not let them know and they can access the Admin side of yor Play Cricket club website.

Twenty20 - Same drill for Sunday but at St Annes, matches start at 10:30am, Final scheduled for 4:30pm. Here's a handy link to help people spread the word. Hopefully another 100+ turn out, the forecast is good, see you all in the bar! http://www.facebook.com/events/399394806763514/
Tom Pickles@ 16:43 25-06-2012




Twenty/Twenty Finals
Sorry to disappoint Chad,but we have had to move the finals to St.Annes.This is because of a unforseen clash with a first team cup match.I still think it will be a great day out,and well worth peddling those extra miles.Should get underway at 10 30 ,with Fleetwood and Ingol2,s being the first semi final to be played.

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